We have a hand picked selection of twenty-two wallpapers at Lick, available to browse here.
We understand that not everyone has wallpapered their spaces before. That's why we asked Alex, our in house decorator to create us a video series guiding us through the process.
Firstly, Alex talks us through how to apply your first sheet to the wall. This is of course an important step as we will be looking to follow our first sheet as a guide as we move across our wall.
Pro Tip: Fold over your wallpaper at the bottom, this helps your ability to manoeuvre the paper when preparing to place on the wall.
Alex now moves onto the second sheet of wallpaper, demonstrating how to match your wallpaper pattern to ensure for the best quality finish.
Pro Tip: When small creases and imperfections appear, don't be afraid to peel the paper slightly away from the wall to correct. The paste will not yet have dried and this allows you to take your time and correct any issues.
Plug sockets are a common feature, so it is important to know how to wallpaper around them. Alex explains how here.
Pro Tip: start with making a small crossed incision and slowly work your way out. Creating too big a cross will mean having to cover it later.
And finally, Alex talks us through the final stage of applying your wallpaper, at the bottom of the wall.
We hope this video series has helped with applying wallpaper at home. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to drop us a message and we will be happy to help!
Happy decorating!
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